MorningPoems Podcast
MorningPoems Podcast, Season 1, Episode 1: MorningPoem #319

MorningPoems Podcast, Season 1, Episode 1: MorningPoem #319

MorningPoem #319, "Poor Doggie" written & spoken by Tess McCarthy.

Poor Doggie

Stormy weather
inside my little dog heart,
too hard when my human parents part,
and off she goes to yoga boot camp,
and the other one stays with me for a bit,
sipping her coffee,
petting the top of my head,
and then she rustles and gets up,
puts a helmet on her head,
to go off to work for a long, long, long time
and I hear her footsteps down the hall,
but earlier, we had a good morning
—everyone happy!

I go out, come in, get breakfast
then they go!

Hard to think now when they'll come back,
but, hmmm,
I think one of them is coming back home to me
I hear the car down the street
and I can't smell her yet,
but she's coming back
from that stupid yoga boot camp.
June 21, 2015

“Esme on the Couch,” by Tess McCarthy, c. 2021

The original poem, posted on June 22nd, 2015, can be found on my Facebook account here.

- Tess McCarthy, MorningPoems
MorningPoems Podcast
MorningPoems is the poetry series McCarthy created on Facebook and Instagram.
Tess McCarthy is the creator of Them Cats and is also the editor-in-chief of VISUAL LIQUID, a publication focused on feminist lifestyle, poetry, art, and photography that showcase the work of the world’s most creative outliers.